Sometimes it is tempting to grasp at the next great leadership trend. New ideas or even old ideas presented in a new way have the great ability to excite us and give a shot of leadership adrenaline. We have all read a book, attended a conference or watched a video and shouted “AMEN!” When I first heard Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk many years ago, was one of those moments for me. The message of his talk resonated with me. I quickly found myself reading and listening to more of him. I’m not sure that I have ever fully utilized his insights but I have been drawn back to his, “start with why” concepts over and over.
When I find myself returning to a speaker or writer’s work I feel that it must have a deeper hold on me than a passing fancy. Below you will find Sinek’s Ted Talk for your viewing pleasure. After you have viewed the video please let me know if you would be interested in joining a discussion group on his book Start With Why. This discussion group can be in person or through Zoom Conferencing.